Our Proven Coaching Process

Our Proven Coaching Process

Here's a Breakdown of Our Proven Coaching Process:

1.Discovery Meeting (Complimentary): This is where we learn all about you, and your business: What's working well? What's not working? What areas can we identify that need the most attention? If you'd like to evaluate your current implementation of the 21 Simple Strategies in your business, click here to access our Scorecard.

2. Business Growth Strategy Session (Complimentary): This is the time we spend discussing a customized plan for you and your business. What strategies we can implement together, what tools we will use, and ultimately decide if ThrivePartner Coaching is a good fit for you and your business, and if you're a good fit for us.

3. Once you become a ThrivePartner client, you can expect to start your Coaching program immediately. This includes the creation/update of a One-Page Strategic Plan (completed in the first month of working together) and weekly Coaching meetings (length of meetings based on agreement). The Coaching agreements are month-to-month and paid at the beginning of each month.

ThrivePartner Coaching partners with Ninety, The Leading Cloud-Based Business Operating System*

*Ninety is a monthly subscription software program. It is not required for coaching, but highly recommended

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